Live Studio
Your unique flawless live online broadcast experience is here
- Comprehensive reporting on viewers interactions
- Sub-second streaming latency
- Simultaneous and moderated web, video cast and social media platforms broadcast
- Latest live broadcast protocol (SRT)
- And tens of extensive features
Premium International Network
0.0002 seconds ping time to top international Cloud and CDN providers100 Gbps premium internet bandwidthFast, high-quality access from anywhere around the globe.Precisely planned and designed cloud and edge servers’ infrastructure
Multiple Input Streams with Previews
Configure multiple input streams using various protocols (RTMP, SRT, etc.)
Set live steams from various live platforms and web broadcasts as your input stream.
Manage your inputs and switch between them using their previews.
- Supporting advanced SRT protocol for sub-second latency Uninterrupted live broadcast even with up to 30% network packet loss
- Automatic resolution optimization according to the user’s internet speed Users can also choose the desired resolution manually
- Configure multiple outputs covering various websites and Platforms, (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)
- Converting to various resolutions, and basic video processing
Superior Infrastructure
Core point of presence at London Telehouse. Home to 8 internet exchange points (IXPs) and over 420 internet service providers (ISP)DDoS protection up to 2 Tbps remarkably.